Continuing with the Rogue Stars posts, today we've got a crew of Boromite militia from the Gates of Antares range.
Like the earlier Boromite miner crew I did back here
these figs all have the Mineral, Tough and Nonreactive traits to represent their alien silicon-based physiology.
The crew is intended to be mostly younger Boromites, the kind of hotheads that are quick to grab a shockrod and fight pirate raiders, hostile native fauna, and the clan over the next hill. Their gear is pretty impressive but their skills are minimal at their age, although the gang's boss is a little more experienced and good at keeping enthusiasm high.
While not really great at more nuanced missions, they're pretty good in a fight and there are quite a few of them. They might easily show up anywhere despite being militia-themed, as their clan elders are likely to send them off on missions to distant worlds as punishment for youthful shenanigans or just to get some peace and quiet.

Their signature weapon is the shockrod, which combines a Zap Rifle and a Force Spear in the same weapon frame. It's worth noting that the device only works in one mode at a time and takes an action to switch between the two, so if you've been blazing away with your Zap Rifle and now you want to (for example) stop a charge with your Long Force Spear you need to switch modes with an action before the enemy gets to you. A model could probably bypass this requirement with Fast Draw, which has similar mechanical effects. The shockrod is also a really good target for Disarm attacks and weapon damage results, so it's not all positives to have a two-in-one weapon here.

Note that the electrical damage from the Zap Rifles is very strong against robots and cyborgs, while simultaneously doing less damage to Boromites. Friendly fire is less dangerous to this crew. They also have a reach edge over most opponents and (if they can survive long enough to earn some XP) they can become a real threat in melee pretty quickly. That's especially true if you go with Brawlers as a tactical discipline.
Drudd's Gang
Theme: Militia
Tactical Discipline: Brawlers is probably the most flavorful option, although Hard To Kill is also a good choice
Gang Leader
52 XP
Leadership 1
Tough 1
Weapons Master 1
Force Spear
Zap Rifle
Force Shield
Night Visor
Glund, Flund, Rund, and Mak
37 XP each
Tough 1
Force Spear
Zap Rifle
Force Shield
Night Visor